lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

The disaster of Japan

Last Friday, 11th march 2011, a 9 Richter scale earthquake hit the North of Japan. The earth started shaking for  two minutes and a half and a tsuamani rocked the offshore areas.

The consequences of the tsunami have been devastating and perhaps weeks of future anxiety before the consequences of the explosion in the Fukushima nuclear plant are finally understood. And months or years to repair the devastation caused along the northeast coast of Japan by the greatest tsunami created by a quake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale that the Japanese archipelago has suffered since regular records began in 1900.
Nowadays the fear of Japanese are at the beginnig of a nuclear explosion that could cause a nuclear blast
and the possibility of a new earthquake 7 on the Richter scale within the next day.

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